
news/2024/7/10 20:32:42 标签: 2010, google, h.264, video, methods, compression

随着H.264的成熟,ITU-T VCEG开始规划H.265标准的制订。相信大家也会非常关注H.265,自然而然地会问到:H.265会在什么时候推出呢?H.265会采用哪些技术呢?


1、H.265 Final rec. 期望在2008-2010期间推出。



Question 6/16 - Video coding
(Continuation of Question 6/16)

  1. Motivation

    The goal of this Question is to produce Recommendations for video coding methods appropriate for conversational (e.g. videoconferencing and video telephony) and non-conversational (e.g., streaming, broadcast, file download, media storage/playback, or digital cinema) audio/visual services.

    This Question will focus on the maintenance and extension of existing video coding Recommendations, and laying the ground for new Recommendations using advanced techniques to significantly improve the trade-offs between bit rate, quality, delay, and algorithm complexity. Video coding standards will be developed with sufficient flexibility to accommodate a diverse number of transport types (Internet, LAN, Mobile , ISDN, GSTN, H.222.0, NGN, etc.).
  2. Study Items
    • New coding methods in order to achieve the following objectives:
      • improvements in compression efficiency;
      • robust operation in error/loss-prone environments (e.g. non-guaranteed-bandwidth packet networks or mobile wireless communication);
      • reduction of real-time delay;
      • reduction of channel acquisition time and random access latency;
      • reduction of complexity;


    • Organization of the compressed data format to support packetization and streaming;
    • Methods to allow streams to be easily mixed by MCUs or terminals;
    • Techniques to permit networks or terminals to adjust the bit rate of video streams efficiently;
    • Techniques for object coding and multiview operation;
    • Techniques for efficient compressed-digital to compressed-digital processing (including transcoding).
    • The impact of colorimetry, video quality assessment, and quality control requirements on video codec development.


  1. Tasks

    Tasks include, but are not limited to:
    • Maintenance of existing H-series video coding Recommendations, including H.120, H.261, H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2, H.263 and H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10;
    • Extensions to H.264: 2004-2008;
    • Conformance and reference software development for H.264;
    • Complete requirements definition and begin detailed algorithm design for H.265;
    • Final Rec. H.265: expected 2008-2010.



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x264 当前宏块的mvp计算

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x264 skip宏块编码

skip 宏块即残差为0的宏块&#xff0c;残差为0的宏块只需要存储mv和cbp信息。 mv即当前宏块的运动向量mvx和mvy。 cbp表示当前宏块中的4x4有残差的mask。都没有残差&#xff0c;cbp均为零(包含色度和亮度的) 看下代码&#xff1a; macroblock_encode_internal()--> sta…